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One-to-One Coaching

Most of us are happy to spend money to feel good. For example, we have no problem splashing our cash on holidays, entertainment or eating out.

All those things are great – but they don’t last. Once the moment is over, the good feeling is gone. And we’re right back where we started.

Coaching is different. It’s an investment in yourself that achieves lasting change at the deepest level.

Instead of trying to change your emotional state in the here-and-now, coaching helps you dive beneath the surface of your life and get down to what is really holding you back. Then you can make meaningful and sustainable changes that ultimately bring you greater fulfilment and happiness.

If you’re feeling stuck, in life or at work, my one to one coaching will help. Working together, we’ll explore how you got here, what needs to change and where you want to be in the future. Then we’ll make a plan that will help you realise that vision and transform your life.

To learn more, click the 'get started' button below and book your free discovery call.

My situation at work reached a stage where I was unhappy and did not know what path to take. I wasn't even sure what options I had. Yael helped me organise my thoughts, make a decision and take action. After a few sessions, it became clearer to me what the next step should be. She gave me the confidence to act and I was able to do so immediately. Even though I'm still dealing with the situation, I find it a lot easier. I now have the mental space to breathe, think and take the next necessary steps. The change has already had a positive effect on my private life and my mental health. Yael’s patience, guidance and insights helped me tackle the situation. I'm grateful for her support and would highly recommend Yael to anyone in similar circumstances.

MB, Executive Assistant, Investment Banking


My supportive coaching challenges you to see things in a new way. With my help, you can uncover solutions that were hidden until now.


Coaching is for anyone who feels stuck and wants a change. It can help you with every aspect of your life: work, home and family. If you’re at a crossroads in your life, coaching can show you the right road to take.


I draw on my extensive experience in the field of mental health, psychology and coaching to give you practical tools for change.

Get Started

Ready to get started? Just fill in your details below and let me know which services you’re most interested in. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.