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Positive Intelligence Programme

Positive Intelligence is a mental fitness programme for individuals or groups (families, work colleagues or teams). Developed by Shirzad Chamine, it brings together neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive behaviour psychology and performance science.

As a certified Positive Intelligence Coach, I’ll help you realise the full benefit of this breakthrough programme. Together, we’ll strengthen three of your core ‘mental fitness muscles’, helping you develop a positive neurological mindset.

Using the cutting-edge Mental Fitness Foundation app, accessed via your smartphone, we’ll weaken your inner critic and release your inner sage. 

Positive Intelligence is available for individuals and as part of a Team Coaching process. The programme is available as part of your coaching package.

To learn more about how Positive Intelligence can benefit you, just get in touch.


Doing this programme with Yael gives you so much information that you didn’t already know. Yael was absolutely brilliant. She is so experienced and helps and encourages you every step of the way. The chats we had, she challenges you to think of ways you wouldn’t think of before. I have learnt a lot from doing the programme but the biggest thing I have learnt is taking time out for myself as I’m so used to pleasing other people. I would definitely recommend doing this programme as it gives you a whole new perspective.

JB, Health Improvement Lead, Local Council

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Ready to get started? Just fill in your details below and let me know which services you’re most interested in. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.