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05 November 2022

Prevention and Early Intervention

In my years working as a Mental Health clinician, those of us in the profession knew whole-heartedly that supporting children's mental health is best provided as a preventative measure and research shows that both prevention and early intervention doesn't only mean higher success rates in outcomes, but naturally it is less costly than allowing issues to escalate eventually requiring specialist services.

This is a no-brainer.

This leads me to wondering why would company heads not want to take the same approach with their teams and organisations?
Somehow the need appears when things have gone too far down the path of team communication breakdown, conflicts, blaming, stonewalling and the list goes on.

Commissioning a Team Coach to assist repair tricky team dynamics can be an edgy thing for most people. Who knows what the work will uncover? Scary! But getting in before it gets too hard is a smart choice!

Knowing that by dealing with a difficult situation now saving lots of emotional pain to team members (which can cost companies a huge amount around mental health support), add on the headache around performance management, re-training, financial investment around recruitment - hiring new staff and training them, induction and so on - wouldn't it make sense to hire someone who can help before the bubble bursts?

Like the roots of this tree endlessly grow, strengthen and thrive in an enriched soil, so can those precious teams who are receiving the right kind of nutrients.

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