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05 October 2022

Thank you Raywood Ash tree!

Every year this tree at the end of our road shows its' autumn beauty in the most spectacular way.

Today was no different.

What was different is how I experienced it. Today.

The richness of all shades of purple, red, orange, brown and more.

The way in which the outer leaves were so red and those nearer the trunk were still green and yellow.

Did you know that the practice of mindful intentional noticing has a direct impact on cultivating calmness and grounding in the brain which can be used to convert any challenging situation into a gift and opportunity?

Try it.

2 minutes is all it takes to start firing positive neurological pathways in the brain.

And when you do this for 15 minutes each day for 6-8 weeks, you've officially created a shift in your brain towards having a positive mindset for life.

What did you notice about something you see regularly, but have never seen in the same way like ever before?

Thank you Raywood Ash on the corner of my street for making my day spectacular!

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